Thursday, March 29, 2007

Resource Recommendation: The Secret Message of Jesus (by Brian McLaren)

Crew! As you prepare for India, i want to periodically recommend some books and other resources for you. You are not, of course, "required" to engage these materials, but you would benefit from them tremendously should you choose to pick them up.

The Secret Message of Jesus (by Brian McLaren)

This is an excellent book that Rob and i recommend regularly! Brian does a great job helping us to understand what it means to "bring Heaven to Earth" in very easy to understand and articulate terms, and you may find that it will help you to explain to others the "why" behind what you will be seeking to do in India, both as a member of GCC but also as someone who individually "owns" the revolutionary message of Jesus.

We are going through this book as a Department right now, and find continually the the implications of this "new way of re-seeing the Message of Jesus" is helping us to do ministry with greater clarity, purpose and sense of mission.

You can pick up a copy of this book at the GCC Bookstore, or order a copy online by clicking here.

-samurai jack

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